

Website Disclaimer

The portfolio investments described herein may not be representative of all investments in funds managed by Aligned Climate Capital, as the number and composition of investments will vary over time. There can be no assurance that any investment will be profitable or that future investments will have similar characteristics or results. Certain investments may be excluded from this list for regulatory or confidentiality reasons. The inclusion of a portfolio investment in the above list should not considered a recommendation or endorsement of Aligned Climate Capital by that company.


Email Disclaimer

This email is confidential and is for the use of the addressee only. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete it immediately and notify Aligned Climate Capital LLC by return email. Unauthorized reading, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. Any investment opportunities presented in this email are presented for discussion purposes only, and nothing herein constitutes a recommendation to make any investment or an offer to sell or purchase any security or other investment. The contents of this email may not be accurate or complete and are subject to change.  We do not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. Email may contain viruses and other defects, may not be accurately replicated on all computers, and may be intercepted. Aligned Climate Capital LLC does not guarantee the security of any information transmitted through email and is not liable for any interception, corruption or delays. Anyone communicating with Aligned Climate Capital LLC by email accepts the risks of email communications and their consequences.

This communication may contain projections, estimates, target performance results and similar statements, such as projected or target MOIC, IRR, cash flows, and other metrics, which constitute “hypothetical performance”. Hypothetical performance does not represent actual performance or an actual portfolio, and no guarantee or assurance can be given that any performance objectives will be achieved. It is based on assumptions, analyses, metrics and other factors determined in good faith by Aligned, including (but not limited to) the experience of Aligned in prior private fund investment programs and what Aligned believes may be achieved under current market conditions (which may differ from actual events and conditions during the investment period).

Prospective investors should consider the following in evaluating any hypothetical performance: a) it is aspirational, there can be no assurance that such performance will be achieved, and it is possible that investors may lose part or all of their investment; b) it does not reflect potential effects of material market or economic conditions, or how Aligned might react when managing investments to economic or market events, and c) the impact of management fees, diligence and other investment expenses, and fund operating and other expenses.

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